An unconventional story about a girl’s journey from the brink of ruin to legendary rebirth. Nadia is the daughter of a powerful mambo (voodoo priestess) and the great grand descendant of a Haitian Revolutionist. Born with extraordinary paranormal abilities, that transforms her into what’s known to Haitians as a “Lougarou” )(loo-ga-roo). Though only a child, she finds herself struggling to suppress the growing darkness within her, brought on by a horrific tragedy. In an unexpected turns of events, Nadia is hurled away from her homeland and lands in America. There, she will journey to unlock the mysteries of her ancestral past in order to guide her through an uncertain future. Standing in her way are evil forces, ready to set into motion their diabolical schemes. They will stop at nothing to consume the darkness growing within the dark child. Yet through her she will experience a legendary rebirth that will unlock a hidden potential hiding deep within her. The ripples of her life will affect the fate of generations as Nadia confront the chaos within her soul and take control of her destiny.